Solicitors for Divorce and Finances

At Phillips we can help guide you through this and assist you through the process of your divorce.

Call us on 01623 658556 (option 2), or:

Do you need help with separation and finances?

The breakdown of a marriage is stressful in itself.

We are able to advise you on financial issues surrounding your separation such as how the equity within your family home should be divided.

For obtaining a divorce, our fixed fee is £500 plus VAT plus disbursements of court fees where required (currently £550).

You may also have to fund additional disbursements where necessary and unavoidable, such as a further court fee for bailiff service instruction.

Further information will be given on request.

To talk to a family law solicitor, call us (option 2)

Family Law Contacts

To email our family department either click on any of the team below or click here: